Teatrul Tineretului Piatra-Neamț


by Eugène Ionesco

translation: Vlad Russo și Vlad Zografi
directing: Radu Iacoban
set design: Tudor Prodan
music: Aida Šošić
lighting design: Lucian Moga

cast: Mircea Postelnicu, Florin Hrițcu, Nora Covali, Elena Popa, Daniel Beșleagă, Dragoș Ionescu, Corina Grigoraș, Cătălina Eșanu, Andrei Merchea-Zapotoțki, Emanuel Becheru

In the ’50s of the last century, Eugène Ionesco wrote a play in defence of the uniqueness and dignity of the person, threatened by collective, totalitarian hysterias. Through this production created at the Theatre of Youth, we raise questions about a world modelled by the superposition of digital space on concrete reality.

In keeping with Ionescu’s vision, we want this production to be an antidote against the infestation of society with hatred and a tonic for the strengthening of critical thinking.


Time: 1h 55min