AMALGAM Theatre Company, Cluj-Napoca



Friday, 15 September | 5:00 PM | duration: 20min | Theatre of Youth
Saturday, 16 September | 5:00 PM | duration: 20min | Theatre of Youth
Sunday, 17 September | 5:00 PM | duration: 20min | Theatre of Youth

Collective dramaturgy, inspired from real stories documented by FILIA Center and ANAIS Association, as part of the project „Together for the Women Safety”, implemented by The network for the prevention and the combating the violence against women Dramaturgie colectivă, inspirată din povești reale documentate de Centrul FILIA și Asociația ANAIS în cadrul proiectului „Împreună pentru Siguranța Femeilor”, implementat de Rețeaua pentru prevenirea și combaterea violenței împotriva femeilor with the exibition „Some dirty linen is washed in public” and by the AMALGAM members. 

directing: Anda Drăgan
music: Octavian Șaramet
lighting design: Sergiu Cornelius

cast: Ioana Cojocărescu, Sorana Eșanu, Cătălina Nichitin

Stories of survivors of domestic violence in Romania are dramatized in a performative installation in which the three actresses and the audience stand, one by one, face to face: the former to make known the slices of life behind a statistical truth that is hard to bear (almost 40,000 women and 9,000 children were victims of aggression in 2022), and the latter to take note of a reality that calls for an end to silence and passivity. The real cases carry a powerful emotional charge, and find their theatrical correspondent both in the intimist atmosphere and in the dozens of pieces of laundry—inscribed with the testimonies of survivors—that surround what we might consider to be not only a play space but also a space of meeting and change. A performance with its starting point in the exhibition organized by Reţeaua VIF (Network for preventing and combatting violence against women).