(Documentary, RO, 2021, 20 min.)
An Obiectiv | Documentarele Dela0.ro production, in collaboration with Vagabond Film, with the support of the LEAD Moldova community
Documentation by Vlad Stoicescu, Dela0 journalist
Images and editing: Mihai Gavril Dragolea
An initiative of Asociația INK – Innovation Needs Knowledge, with the financial support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation
#LEADMoldova #SchimbareaMD #DocumentareleDela0
Where is justice heading in the Republic of Moldova?
The reform of justice is an expression that has been present for more than a decade on the public agenda of the Republic of Moldova. How is the justice system seen both from inside, by legal professionals, and from outside, by experts with a good understanding of all its mechanisms? How will standards of integrity, independence, and professionalism be implemented at the level of judges and prosecutors?
There are answers to all these questions in the documentary Justiție altfel pentru Moldova (A different sort of justice for Moldova), with Irina Buzu (advocate, expert in digital transformation policy, member of LEAD, Mariana Rata (TV8 journalist), Ecaterina Popsoi (justice expert at the Institute for European Policies and Reforms), Constantin Chilian (judge, member of LEAD), and Andrei Iosip (advocate, member of LEAD).