“What we know about the resistance of theatre people before 1989 is only what attracted public notice at the time: productions banned, great scandals, exceptionally long runs, managers replaced. A mythology that takes the place of history for Romanian theatre. But ‘resistance through culture’ was not just a matter of extreme gestures of spectacular courage, such as could immediately draw the attention of an international public and call into question a criminal or oppressive regime. No matter how useful these dissident gestures were and how admirable was the courage of those who took incalculable personal risks to carry them out, equally important were acts of resistance that might individually be less visible but were repeated regularly throughout the careers of some artists.
“This permanent ‘cultural guerrilla’ struggle, this dangerous ‘ballet’ whose steps might today seem ridiculous or dated, without meaning or effectiveness, were at the time a silent, diffuse declaration, but one that marked an ethical position assumed by individuals who refused to be totally ‘under the times’, exercising their conscience and inner freedom and more or less openly urging others to do the same.” (Cristina Modreanu)
Presented by Cristina Modreanu – curator, theatre critic and theatre historian; coordinator of the project Dicționarul multimedia al teatrului românesc (Multimedia dictionary of Romanian theatre) – www.dmtr.ro; editor-in-chief of the performing arts journal Scena.ro and researcher at the Janovics Center for Screen and Performing Arts Studies at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. Her first book in English, A History of Romanian Theatre from Communism to Capitalism: Children of a Restless Time, was published by Routledge in 2020.
The Festival event will be the first of a series of launches of Cristina Modreanu’s book: Piatra-Neamț will be followed by Bucharest, Iași, Timișoara, and Cluj.
The event will also include the presentation of the most recent issues of Revista Scena.ro, the only performing arts journal in Romania that is interested not only in theatre in the traditional sense, but also in experimental theatre, street theatre, contemporary dance, performance, installations, contemporary circus, multimedia productions, and all the ramifications in the field of performance that can be produced by multi-disciplinarity.