FreeDomus: Gropius Granary / EutopiaUseum: TheaterPeaceNo1 tbc:
offluxus-context-site-specific situation exchange workshop with a prepared score


In the period 10–11 September, Joanna Klass and Wojciech Szaszorwhich (Warsaw Bauhaus Collective) will hold a site-specific workshop, conceived around the idea of nonconformism. The workshop is targeted at people over the age of fourteen who know English.

“This workshop is intended to form a situation of cooperation, freely connected to the ‘first happening’, or Theater Piece No. 1, coordinated by John Cage and presented in August 1952 at Black Mountain College in the USA. We would like to share ideas that we care about: our habitat, here and now, functioning together and separately, at the local level and globally. It will be a (p)articipative event about Utopia and Eutopia. We can use found objects, paper, pencils, phones, etc. to draw, to create forms, we record and we leave be…” (Joanna &Wojciech)

Joanna Klass is co-founder and director of the Warsaw Bauhaus Foundation, based in Warsaw –  an organism that in the space of Curie City develops creative activities involving art, architecture, design, performance, dance, and theatre, guided by the motto “Less Ego, more Eco”.

Wojciech Szaszorwhich is involved in ecologically/eco-nomically aware cultural collaborations. His psycho-geographical experiments have developed around Black Mountain College, Burning Man, Woman’s Building, Sci-Arc, and other symbiotic habitats and ecosystems. The two are artists and curators who for ten years have been animating a network of artists, developing projects that are profoundly integrated in their social context.