Theatre of Youth Piatra Neamț



Friday, 9 September | 8.00 PM | duration: 2h | Theatre of Youth

director: Daniel Chirilă
script: Enoch Darli
set design: Sabina Veșteman
choreography: Ioana Marchidan
lighting design: Costi Baciu
video installation: Tiberiu Enache
live video montage: Alexandru Oancea
universe of sound: Dragoș Popa
vocal preparation for choir: Marius Corugă

cast: Cătălina Bălălău, Emanuel Becheru, Daniel Beșleagă, Nora Covali, Cătălina Eșanu, Valentin Florea, Corina Grigoraș, Dan Grigoraș, Gina Gulai, Ecaterina Hâțu, Maria Hibovski, Florin Hrițcu, Dragoș Ionescu, Andrei Merchea-Zapotoțki, Iulia-Paula Niculescu, Rareș Pîrlog și Anna Rivera

It all began when sixteen people arrived in the same space. A waiting room. As many people, as many truths. False. Each meeting multiplies to infinity the perspectives on the truth, and in that case, does a single truth still exist? Just one? Has there ever been a single truth? In a world in which conflicts are no longer at all simple, but hybrid, in a hybrid world with hybrid truths, and hybrid art, and hybrid sufferings, and hybrid revolts, and hybrid wars, the human brain is the new territory to be conquered. What do you choose to believe? Do you choose?” (Enoch Darli)