Teatrul Basca, Timișoara

The Tower: #Next Level


Luni, 12 septembrie - sâmbătă, 17 septembrie | 18:00 | durata: 50min | Teatrul Tineretului

de Ionuț Sociu, Alex Mihăescu și Teatrul Basca
regie: Alex Mihăescu
scenografie: Lia Pfeiffer
muzică: Uțu Pascu
director de imagine: Cristian Ilea
editor imagine: Mihai Lazăr

cu: Niko Becker, Robert Copoț Alina IleaGiorgiana Rancov, Costa Tovarnițchii, Ana-Maria Ursu

Starting from the myth of Purgatory, this production invites us to reflect upon the demons that haunt our present—epidemic, corruption, conflictual social and political attitudes—with   an approach that is not without humour. The conflict between the characters is caused especially by lack of empathy: as they climb the tower of Purgatory, they lose contact with their world and come to realize that now they only have each other.

THE TOWER is created with the help of virtual reality, and makes full use of the space in which it was filmed, the Water Tower in Timișoara. The project won a National Cultural Fund (AFCN) award in 2021 in the category “Innovative solutions in heritage promotion”. The audience use VR equipment (Oculus headsets) and headphones.

Founded in 2017 in a former hat factory in Timișoara, Teatrul BASCA is a space of encounter between artists, vulnerable persons, and the community. It develops theatre, circus, film, and music projects, with, for, and about persons in difficulty.