Odeon Theatre, Bucharest



Sunday, 11 September | 8:00 PM | duration: 2h | Theatre of Youth

texts by Alexandru Monciu-Sudinski
director: Alexandru Dabija
set design: Andrada Chiriac

Boșcai – Antoaneta Zaharia
Actress, Reporter, Adela, Elena Vânău – Elvira Deatcu
Actress, Reporter, Eugenia Plătică – Alina Berzunțeanu
Cățoiu, Vasile Cireș, The educator, Traian Boșcai – Marius Damian
Actor, George, Munteanu, Dănuț, The educator – Mihai Smarandache
Zadov, Pavel Năslău, MC, Lae Boșcai – Cezar Antal
Actor, Reporter, The educator, Eugenia Plătică’s husband, Ursescu, The investigator – Matei Arvunescu
Dan Iosif – Dan Iosif
Robot – Alpha Mini

This production presents a succession of short scenes adapted from prose texts in the three volumes published by Alexandru Monciu-Sudinski, writer, philosopher, and journalist, anti- communist dissident, a rebellious figure of the ’70s, too little known today. The print-run of his first volume, Rebarbor, published in 1971, was withdrawn by the censorship and pulped.

His prose, with its subtle and intelligent critique of the communist regime, deserves to be rediscovered, as it is through this project of the director Alexandru Dabija. The collectivist, the village vet, the female worker in a chemical plant and the male worker on the factory floor, the tutor and the delinquent pupil, the amateur artist… all are relevant types for Romanian society under communism.