Reactor de Creație și Experiment, Cluj-Napoca



Sunday, 11 September | 6:00 PM | duration: 1h 40min | Portable stage

collective texts
dramaturgy: Cosmin Stănilă and Petro Ionescu
director: Petro Ionescu
set design: Alexandra Budianu
music: Alexandru Condurat
assistant director: Dominik M. Iabloncic, Ioana Toloargă, Roxana Țentea

cast: Andrada Balea, Cătălin Filip, Alina Mișoc, Adonis Tanța și Octavian Voina

This production deals with the theme of love in its varied forms, tracing the contexts in which we learn to love or to talk about love. What emotional baggage do we inherit? How do we cope with loss? Is love a feeling or an action?

The production is conceived as a collage of moments that slip from cliché to self-irony, from personal stories to imaginary plans. We all display an idealistic aspiration towards love, while the general state of the world expresses the exact opposite.

Since its opening in 2014, REACTOR de Creație și Experiment in Cluj-Napoca has set out to promote young artists and contemporary dramaturgy, to provoke discussion of current themes, and to develop its public. It is a catalyst of the creative energies of the city of Cluj, a place where artistic experiment is encouraged through freedom of expression.