MiniReactor, Cluj-Napoca



Sunday, 11 September | 11:00 AM | duration: 45min | Rubik Hub

by Carla și Liana Precup
dramaturgy coordination: Ana Cucu Popescu
director: Delia Gavlițchi
set design: Tomos Tünde
music: Adi Cimpoeșu (Electroclown)
choreography: Cătălin Filip
assistant director: Sorina Băleanu

cast: Andreea Ajtai, Bianco Erdei, Cătălin Filip

For pupil Astrid, the pressure of the exam is amplified by a global pandemic, by online school, and by isolation at home. However she discovers an ally: her cat. He has found a noble purpose for himself in chewing up homework, because he wants to give a helping claw to all children who are ready to listen to him. Theatre-goers big and little alike can discover more about the consequences of the pressures and the limits that we impose on our own selves, about the insecurity that comes together with these, but also about how we can overcome them all if we have confidence in ourselves.

MiniREACTOR is an independent theatre that serves as a platform dedicated to the very young public within the cultural space REACTOR de Creație și Experiment (Creation and Experiment Reactor) in Cluj-Napoca. The cultural programme of MiniREACTOR is one of innovation and experiment in the field of children’s theatre, a branch that in Romania generally suffers from repetitiveness and archaization.