choreography and concept: Ioana Marchidan
texts dramaturgy: Mihaela Michailov
assistant choreography: Arcadie Rusu
music and sound design: Alexandru Suciu
lighting design și graphic design: Hermina Stănciulescu
performers: Teodora Velescu, Mariana Gavriciuc, Simona Dabija
The concept of this production was developed starting from the personal experience of the choreographer Ioana Marchidan during her years of training in ballet school, concerning the impact of body-shaming (harassment connected to physical appearance) in society. The production is inspired by the stories of those who wished to share their experience during the research stage. On the basis of these personal accounts, Mihaela Michailov has created texts that complement Ioana Marchidan’s choreographic discourse.
The production raises questions about the manner in which we relate to the body in art, in fashion, in the mass-media, in education, and within the family.
LINOTIP, Independent Choreography Centre, founded in 2016, is a studio whose activity consists in the production of dance shows, the organization of dance festivals, courses, and workshops for professionals and amateurs, and hosting intercultural events and multidisciplinary collaborations. It focuses on the discovery of ways in which it can develop contemporary dance in the independent sector in Romania.