Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest



Wednesday, 14 September | 8:00 PM | duration: 1h 20min | Theatre of Youth

adaption /dramatization of  William Shakespeare’s The Tempest by Ada Milea
visual concept: Andu Dumitrescu
translation: Cristi Juncu

directing, lyrics and original music: Ada Milea
set design, lighting and video design: Andu Dumitrescu
electronic musical versions: Alin Teglaș

Caliban / Antonio / Ferdinand – Cătălin Babliuc
Prospero / The king / Stephano – Lucian Iftime
Miranda / Trincoola – Silvana Negruțiu
Ariel – Anca Sigartău / Maria Veronica Vârlan

Ada Milea offers a musical version of Shakespeare’s famous play, in which the audience are invited into the “isle full of noises” constructed by Ariel, where reality changes until the characters no longer know what is dream and what is not. In the jungle of microphones, cables, and instruments, Shakespeare’s characters mix their identities – Caliban becomes Antonio, and then turns into Ferdinand, while the king is in fact Prospero – as in a dream in which logic is abolished by exuberant fantasy.