MASCA Theatre, Bucharest



Monday, 12 September | 7:00 PM | duration: 45min | Curtea Domnească

a concept by Anca Florea
directing and text: Mihai Mălaimare
set design: Anca Albani
music: Alexandru Răzvan Diaconu

cast: Anamaria Pîslaru, Dora Iftode, Alina Crăiță, Laura Dumitrașcu-Duică, Cristina Panait, Daciana Voinescu, Mihai Mălaimare, Sorin Dinculescu, Valentin Mihalache, Petru Marginean, Cristinel Dâdăl

Constructed using the technique of living statues, this production affirms the tragedy of refugees from Ukraine, together with all those who have ever been forced to leave their country, their homes, and the lives they lived. The idea of the production starts from the conviction that theatre should reflect concrete situations in the world in which we live and should tell the truth. The characters tell the stories of those who, beyond being refugees, are mothers, children, brothers, sisters, lovers… The lives of all these people change completely the moment the alarm sounds and they find themselves forced to flee. With their thoughts still on the homes they left behind, they need to discover, in the eyes of others, humanity.