Adapted from Virginia Woolf
A performance by Mariana Cămărăşan
With: Adina Suciu
Text adaptation: Mariana Cămărășan și Adina Suciu
Translation: Anca Dumitrescu and Elena Marcu
Text adaptation: Mariana Cămărășan and Adina Suciu
Translation: Anca Dumitrescu and Elena Marcu
Video: Vlad Lăzărescu
Canto training: Gabriela Pipelea
Photo: Andrei Ceobanu
Time: 1h 20min
A ROOM OF YOUR OWN is the first performance in the Blind Date program, bringing face to face a director and an actor that haven’t met before. Starting from Virginia Woolf’s claim that, in order to write fiction, a woman needs a constant income and a room of her own, TY proposes a one-woman-show with Adina Suciu about rediscovering life, and the joy to live – a quest for privacy and a demonstration of how one woman can break the surface of reality using only a writing device.