Teatrul Tineretului Piatra-Neamț

      Starting October 2017, The Theatre of Youth received an energy and freshness boost from the newly created TT volunteer team, currently made up of more than 20 students from leading local high school.

      Participation to Edition 29 of the Piatra Neamț Theatre Festival, in November 2017, was the first endurance test of this remarkable team. So far, they have got constanly and heartily involved in a variety a variety of projects and activities, from distributing leaflets in their schools, and assisting with organizing of performances and events, to getting feedback from spectators, participating in discussions with the public, or in brainstorming sessions organized by the literary department of the theatre seeking to map the expectations of their generation regarding theatre in the 21th century.
But, most importantly, they succeed to contaminate more and more colleagues and adults with their love for the theatre, a process quite visible in any new TT project.