The Theatre of Youth in Piatra Neamț turns into a #SAFESPOTT for youth for the next two years. Co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, the #SAFESPOTT project will promote a space safe for educational debate on diversity and tolerance targeted at the young public, by supporting three educational theatre performances (two in the “Corneliu-Dan Borcia” studio and one on the main stage), based on contemporary texts selected following a competition addressed to playwrights under 35. We are in the preparation stage, but also impatient, so before officially launching the playwriting competition (sometimes in March), we now announce its topic so that playwrights are offered enough time for writing. We are looking for brand new texts, not published or staged before, focused on diversity and tolerance among youth, targeting public in the following age ranges: 7-10, 11-14, 15-18.
These texts will generate performances developed by teams (director, scenographer, sound/video designer) also under 35, supported by high-school students as volunteer assistants. So, high-school students and young directors under 35 watch out too! In March, and April respectively, we’ll also launch calls for the directors and volunteer assistants for the three performances.
These performances will tour other cities in Neamț county in order to develop a participatory public – therefore a key component of the project is represented by debates with the public at the end of each performance. Such debates, moderated by psychologists, sociologists and pedagogues, will engage students from the partner schools in each city, so that performances would foster a dialogue on the principles of diversity and tolerance, but also a sociological research regarding relationships in micro-communities evolving in a national and internațional context that is less and less sensible regarding these principles. Texts selected will also engage students from the partner schools in developing a series of artistic installations in key locations of Piatra Neamț.
Partners of The Theatre of Youth in #SAFESPOTT are: Asociația LiterNet, Asociația Estetica, Asociația T.E.T. Alexandria, Teatrul „Luceafărul” Iași, Casa Culturii “Ion Creangă” Tîrgu Neamț, Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Asachi” Piatra Neamț, Colegiul Național de Informatică Piatra Neamț, Liceul de Artă “Victor Brauner”, Colegiul Național “Roman Vodă”, Colegiul Național “Ștefan cel Mare” Tîrgu Neamț.