A theme to open directions of dialogue, not a box into which to squeeze artists and their creations. An ironic but serious title, with reference to the history of the Festival, but also to its present. A frame in which fiction and reality may look at and take inspiration from one another. An image to celebrate critical spirit and not elitist festivism. This is what we, the whole team, sought in the period of preparation, in which we imagined together what the thirtieth edition of this Festival should be like, in the year in which the Theatre of Youth marks sixty years of existence. Our sources of inspiration were our experiences – the experience of revisiting the archives of the Theatre of Youth, of selecting the productions in the Young Creators Section – but also the realities to which the archive and the creations make reference, sometimes directly, at other times in subtle, ambiguous, or even disconcerting ways.
The history of the thirty editions of the Theatre Festival shows clearly the connection between this cultural event in the community of Piatra Neamţ and ‘grand history’. That is why the archives, especially when they are well preserved, can be an extremely useful instrument of knowledge, not just for theatre people, but for historians and all those interested in the recent past. On the other hand, any production, beyond the aesthetic it proposes, also archives a subjective perspective on the realities in the midst of which it came into being, even when it tries to ignore them. Consequently, a festival in which such visions intersect is itself a performative archive of the present. Performative because it is unfolding here and now—the recording of a production cannot (yet) have the value of the live experience in the auditorium. And what remains about the present, after a relevant production, is its persistence in the affective memory of the audience. From this point of view, the title ‘Archives of Insecurity’ tries to express precisely this fragility of the relation theatre—time—reality.
If before 1989, archiving was the ‘achievement’ above all of institutions, some of them belonging to the apparatus of repression, now, at the start of the twenty-first century, we participate of our own free will, sometimes frenetically, in the archiving/storing/recording of our own existences. Accessibility, however, comes together with the vulnerability of the individual, and the new types of human insecurity are reflected, through various artistic means, in the creations that we have chosen to present. There is thus a wordplay in the title making reference to the past, including the archives of the former Securitate (secret police), but the ironic accent is on the fact that today we have become even more energetic archivists of our fears, illusions, obsessions, and aspirations.
In the space of art, in contrast to real life, placing oneself under the sign of insecurity during the working process has always been an act through which important aesthetic leaps have been made, and concepts as solid as they are provocative have been (re-)invented. The concept of the Piatra Neamţ Theatre Festival, as it was formulated in 1969, implies the promotion of non-conformism, of experiment in art, and of constant dialogue with the public, renewed with each coming generation. It is on this foundation that subsequent editions have been built and have been conceptually enriched. In 1975, the then general director of the Theatre of Youth, the director Emil Mandric, expressed his interest in displaying the potential of the Theatre’s company for ‘a passionate connection to the themes of the present day’ and ‘for documentary theatre.’ Knowing how the concept of such an event developed in time is not just a professional responsibility, but also an authentic source of inspiration and sometimes a confirmation of the existence of affinities, transcending differences of context or of generation.
In the selection of the productions for this edition, we have sought to respect a great part of what are already the traditional directions of the Festival, while at the same time connecting to the new realities that are generating original artistic perspectives: contemporary dramaturgy, directors’ proposals that inquire into themes of today’s society, documentary theatre (in its various forms as docu-fiction, mockumentary, verbatim, etc.), productions by young creators (directors under the age of thirty), dialogue with other cultural spaces (productions invited from abroad), artistic projects with an educational component (workshops, productions involving professionals together with teenagers), interdisciplinary events (dance, concerts, readings, showings of documentary films, performance), productions for a young audience (two of them by our own company). As in the previous edition, the audience remain the co-authors of the Festival, invited to take part in public discussions, in workshops for various ages, in the judging of the section for a young audience, and indeed in completing some of the pages of the present Catalogue. A new feature is the extension of the Festival to include a number of productions in Târgu Neamţ, one of which has been created there, by and about the life of young people in the town, under the coordination of the director Daniel Chirilă.
In this time of ‘festivalization’ of the theatre system in Romania (and not only in Romania), there is a need for the identity of the festival to be constantly examined and reinvented, both in the national and international context and in relation to its core directions. Just as, in fact, there has been from the beginning.
In other words, it is tradition itself that requires us to keep the Festival in the zone of aesthetic risk, of meaningful artistic ‘cheek’, and of meetings between creators and audience, from which we all stand to gain new and more profound themes for thought. So let us celebrate the willingly embraced insecurity of the artistic act and confront our fears, past and present!
Gianina Cărbunariu
Director and playwright
Manager/General Director of the Theatre of Youth
Curator of the Piatra Neamț Theatre Festival
The selection team for the ‘Young Creators’ Section consists of:
DE CE FIERBE COPILUL ÎN MĂMĂLIGĂ, 21 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț, 22 septembrie, Casa Culturii “Ion Creangă” Tîrgu Neamț
DRAGĂ ELENA SERGHEEVNA, Teatrul Municipal Bacovia Bacău, 21 septembrie, Casa Culturii “Ion Creangă” Tîrgu Neamț
SUNT EU, ANNABEL, Asociaţia Culturală Lightwave București, 23 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
FEMEIA IDEALĂ, Teatrul Mic, Sibiu, 23 septembrie, Casa Culturii “Ion Creangă” Tîrgu Neamț
FRIG. Patru întâmplări neadevărate din Gheorgheni, Teatrul Figura Stúdió Színház Gheorgheni, 23 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
GROUNDED, Asociația Culturală DOCTOR’S STUDIO București, 24 septembrie TT Piatra Neamț
EAT ME, Create.Act.Enjoy Cluj-Napoca, 25 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
PLEX, Teatrul Municipal Baia Mare, 25 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
ÎNAINTEA EREI NOASTRE, Asociația Green Hours & Frilensăr, Bucureşti, 26 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț și 27 septembrie, Casa Culturii “Ion Creangă” Tîrgu Neamț
BOYZ AND GIRLZ, Centrul Replika în parteneriat cu BEZNĂ Theatre, București, 28 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
ÎNAPOI ÎN IARNĂ, Asociația T.E.T. Alexandria, 30 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
O MIE DE MOTIVE, POINT București, 20 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
MIRACOLUL DE LA CLUJ, Reactor de creație și experiment Cluj-Napoca, 24 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
O LECŢIE DE BUNE MANIERE, Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat București, 25 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
CĂLĂTORIE CĂTRE MINE ÎNSUMI, Compania Paradis Serial / Fundația Gabriela Tudor, București, 26 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
FAMILIA FĂRĂ ZAHĂR, Teatrul Mic în parteneriat cu Centrul Replika, București, 28 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
HANSEL ȘI GRETEL, Teatrul pentru Copii și Tineret „Luceafărul“ Iași, 29 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
COLIBRI, Asociația Culturală DOCTOR’S STUDIO București, 29 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
TARTUFFE, Teatrul „Maria Filotti“ Brăila, 29 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
PISICI, Teatrul Municipal „Matei Vișniec” Suceava, 29 septembrie, The Library Bar Piatra Neamț
VISÂND GLASURI, Teatrul Gong Sibiu, 30 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
LE PETIT CHAPERON ROUGE, Compagnie Louis Brouillard/ Joël Pommerat Paris, Franța, 22 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
WORK IN PROGRESS, ERT – Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Italia, 27 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
DENTRO LE COSE, Compagnia LAMINARIE Bologna, Italia, 30 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
ANTONIO ȘI BEATRIX, Theatro Circo Braga din Portugalia și Teatrul Tineretului Piatra Neamț, 1 octombrie, TT Piatra Neamț
SCHOOL feat CooL, 21 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț
AMINTIRI, 23 septembrie, TT Piatra Neamț și 30 septembrie, Cetatea Neamțului, Tîrgu Neamț
26 septembrie, Casa Culturii “Ion Creangă” Tîrgu Neamț
BOOMERANG, Trupa CEVA Tîrgu Neamț
No(r)way Today, Trupa Benevol (Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Asachi“ Piatra Neamț)
DULCE-AMAR, Trupa Yuppies (Colegiul Național „Calistrat Hogaș“ Piatra Neamț)
CUM NE PLACE, Trupa Atelierul de Teatru din Botoșani
Centrul pentru Studierea Modernității și a Lumii Rurale
30 septembrie, Sala Rotondă, TT
Lansare: carte pentru copii realizată de Vasile Ernu și ilustrată de Veronica Neacșu (istoriile copiilor din Telciu, redactate)
Spectacol-lectură de Lorand Maxim și Alexandra Voivozeanu (despre muncă în mediul rural)
Proiecție de film documentar de Vlad Petri și Theodor Constantiniu (despre tipurile de divertisment moderne și mai puțin moderne cu care se delectează tineretul rural)
Joi, 20 septembrie, ora 22.00 // Sala Mare, TT
Luiza Zan, Albert Tajti, Michael Acker
Vineri, 21 septembrie, ora 21.30 // SPOT
Concert’n 2
Ada Milea și Bobo Burlăcianu
Sâmbătă, 22 septembrie, ora 21.30 // The Library Bar
Miercuri, 26 septembrie, ora 22.30 // SPOT
Roberta Lidia De Stefano & Rareș Pîrlog
Luni, 1 octombrie, ora 21.30 // Sala Mare
Alexandru Andrieș, Berti Barbera, Sorin Romanescu și Ioana Mîntulescu
september 26, 10.00, Sala Mare TT
The story of the oldest festival for the young
… told by the very people who have played a part in making it happen, from 1969 to the present. Some of the professionals who imagined the editions of the Festival, before they existed, will talk about their experiences of the work of curatorship – from the concept to the selection of productions, from the theory to making things work in practice, from unforgettable artistic meetings to the challenges involved in organizing such an event.
The workshop will take place over a week, between 24 and 30 September, and will be led by theatre critic, journalist, and performing arts curator Iulia Popovici. It aims to provide those who are interested with critical tools to enable a nuanced reception of productions of contemporary theatre.
‘Seeing a theatre production may be variously a source of amusement, a boring obligation, a waste of time, a sudden emotion, the enthusiasm of discovery, a form of socializing with friends. It is an experience that is every time unique, and thus any of these is, theoretically, possible and … “normal”. But above all, just like everyday life among other people, a theatrical performance, a theatre production is a map of rituals and conventions, which you must be able to read in order to truly live the experience.’ (Iulia Popovici)
Between 25 and 27 September, theatre-goers aged from 7 to 12 will meet the writer Iulian Tănase to invent new stories together. ‘The aim of the storytelling workshop is to develop children’s language and to cultivate their imagination through various creativity and improvization games/exercises. What will we do in the workshop? We will make up stories starting from personal drawings; we will invent stories arising from on fantastic hypotheses (What would happen if?); we will fish stories out of our own minds (The stone in the lake); we will find out what connections exist between two unconnected words (The fantastic binome); we will develop our vocabulary with the help of arbitrary prefixes and creative mistakes; we will try to find out the colours of words; we will treat objects as living beings and set them talking to one another; we will cut words out of magazines, mix them well, and make poems and stories with the help of chance; and so on.’ (Iulian Tănase)
A workshop of creative and educational writing, targeting a young public and seeking to explore, through a number of exercises in dramaturgy, various segments of the world of teenagers: relationships, dreams, social context, aspects of daily life. The workshop will be held by the director Daniel Chirilă, in partnership with the Țăndărică Animation Theatre
If the Piatra Neamţ Theatre Festival has managed to keep itself young at the age of fifty, the secret is to be sought in its effort to function as a living organism, with a distinct voice and with the strength to form a community of theatre-goers who can enter into a relationship with the artists. The public is a partner in dialogue, and also a living archive of previous editions of the Festival. This time, too, the artists will come among the Festival audience, and the debates will be moderated by theatre critics Cristina Rusiecki, Oana Stoica (at the Theatre of Youth), and Oana Cristea Grigorescu (at the House of Culture in Târgu Neamţ).
At last year’s festival, we invested our trust in a jury of teenagers, high-school students in Piatra Neamţ, whom we challenged to play the role of travelling companions, for productions targeting a young public. We continue the investment this year, the point being not so much competition between artists as the involvement of young theatre-goers in formative experiences such as the confrontation of ideas, the joy of sharing together in moments of revelation, the formulation of criteria of value, and the making and justifying of choices.
Programul spectacolelor din secțiunea dedicată adolescenților:
O MIE DE MOTIVE: joi, 20 septembrie // ora 16.00 // Sala Mare TT
DE CE FIERBE COPILUL ÎN MĂMĂLIGĂ: vineri, 21 septembrie // ora 17.00 // Sala Studio „Corneliu-Dan Borcia“ TT
DRAGĂ ELENA SERGHEEVNA: vineri, 21 septembrie // ora 19.00 // Casa Culturii „Ion Creangă“, Tîrgu Neamț
LE PETIT CHAPERON ROUGE: sâmbătă, 22 septembrie // ora 18.00 // Sala Mare TT
SUNT EU, ANNABEL: duminică, 23 septembrie // ora 16.00 // Sala Mare TT
Miercuri, 26 septembrie, Casa Culturii „Ion Creangă“, Tîrgu Neamț – Ziua când vin adolescenţii:
ora 12.00, Trupa CEVA Tîrgu Neamț: BOOMERANG
ora 16.00, Trupa Benevol (Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Asachi“ Piatra Neamț): NO(R)WAY TODAY
ora18.00, Trupa Yuppies (Colegiul Național „Calistrat Hogaș“ Piatra Neamț): DULCE-AMAR
ora 20.00, Trupa Atelierul de Teatru din Botoșani: CUM NE PLACE
ÎNAINTEA EREI NOASTRE: joi, 27 septembrie // ora 19.00 // Casa Culturii „Ion Creangă”, Tîrgu Neamț
BOYZ AND GIRLZ: vineri, 28 septembrie // ora 21.00 // Sala Mare TT
VISÂND GLASURI: duminică, 30 septembrie // ora 11.00 // Sala Mare TT
Radu Penciulescu și teatrul la înălțimea omului (Radu Penciulescu and theatre of human stature), theatre studies anthology by Florica Ichim and Ada Maria Ichim
Culese din Telciu (Collected in Telciu), book for children compiled by Vasile Ernu and illustrated by Veronica Neacșu
Scena.ro – 10 ani de existență
Din octombrie 2017, Teatrul Tineretului a primit un boost de energie și prospețime prin constituirea echipei de voluntari TT, care în prezent numără 23 de liceeni de la colegiile si liceele nemțene: Colegiul Național Calistrat Hogaș, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Colegiul Național de Informatică, Colegiul Național Gheorghe Asachi, Liceul cu Program Sportiv.
Participarea la Ediția 29 a Festivalului de Teatru Piatra Neamț, în noiembrie 2017, a fost primul test de rezistență al inimoasei echipe. De atunci și până acum, voluntarii noștri s-au implicat trup și suflet în multiple activități și proiecte, de la distribuirea de pliante și materiale promoționale în liceele din care provin, diseminarea informațiilor despre activitatea teatrului, contribuția la activitatea de organizare a spectacolelor și evenimentelor, până la asistarea la vizionări ale spectacolelor dedicate adolescenților, pentru obținerea feed-back-ului înainte de premiere, participarea la discuțiile cu publicul de după spectacole sau la ședințele de brain-storming ale echipei secretariatului literar, arătându-ne ce așteptări are generația lor de la teatrul secolului 21 .
Dar, poate cel mai important, ei reușesc să molipsească din ce în ce mai mulți colegi și oameni care îi înconjoară cu dragostea lor pentru teatru, fapt care se vede cu fiecare nou proiect TT.