Teatrul Tineretului Piatra-Neamț


Theatre of Youth invites you to the 33rd Edition of Piatra Neamț Theatre Festival, which will be held between 5 and 18 September 2022, under the theme of 146 KM.

146 KM is the distance from the Theatre of Youth in Piatra Neamț to the Siret customs post on the border between Romania and Ukraine.

146 KM is a distance that separates two realities: that of a troubled normality and that of a war marked by acts of unacceptable violence.

146 KM can mean a comfortable distance or a disturbing one, a closeness that generates anxiety or solidarity. Ultimately, the sense of proximity depends on how you choose to relate mentally to an ongoing situation that is out of control.

From 5 to 18 September, the Piatra Neamț Theatre Festival will bring on to the map of its 33rd edition productions from Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, France, and Germany, guests from all over Europe, varied artistic visions whose common denominator is a critical spirit and the desire to find together meaning in a world that seems ever more incomprehensible. We would like this moment to be one of reflection on the global context through which we are passing, of dialogue between artists and the local public, of debate among performing arts professionals.

146 KM from the Siret customs post and two years from the start of the pandemic, we are here and we invite you to meet the artists and productions selected for the National Section, the International Section “Something to Declare”, and the Festival+ Section (concerts, exhibitions, readings, workshops, book launches, etc.).

Gianina Cărbunariu,
Curator of the Piatra Neamț Theatre Festival

Curatorial team:

Gianina Cărbunariu, director dramaturg, general director of the Theatre of Youth, Piatra Neamț
Daniel Chirilă, director dramaturg, head of the Literary and Artistic Service
Raluca Naclad, artistic consultant, coordinator of educational projects

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